The crib in our community is a beautiful one. The scene depicts St. Joseph, Mary and Jesus in a such tender fashion.

The sight of it makes us to meditate and desire to be like them,  guardians, mothers, holders, and bearers of Jesus the Word and Flesh made like one of us WHO brings peace and love to all who accept Him.



“For unto us a child is born,Unto us a child is given…

And his name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, Prince of Peace.” Is: 9,6

 May the star of Bethlehem light your way to happiness, and may God’s great gift of love bring you joys that truly bless!

 Merry Christmas

And A Happy New Year

  Sr. Julienne




It sounds like a story from Agatha Christie novels, but in reality it is something that happened today here in the parish.

Few days ago a mad man broke into the Church and vandalised it, the damage was not much but it caused a kind of uneasiness on all of us.

Few days ago Sr. Teresa (MSMHC) and Fr. Marian (SDB) prepared a lovely crib made with paper and dry grass. Indeed was a beautiful crib.

This morning when we arrived at the Church we notice that people were very disturbed and confused, the look of unbelief was in their faces.   We immediately found out that the crib; the advent wreath and the lectionary place were all burned down.

People were very much concern about it and few theories came to the fore:        One of them is that the altar boys did not blow out the candles from the advent wreath yesterday evening.  The other theory is that the mad man came back and set fire to the crib

Either way to-night Baby Jesus will be born in a place not fit for him as it happened many years ago as well.

Have a beautiful Christmas time and wishing that HE will find a better place in our hearts to be born again and again.

Maputsoe Community



Siamo in attesa del film su “Maria Domenica Mazzarello”: un film che la gente, i giovani amanti del carisma salesiano attendono e che noi stesse, come Salesiane Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice diffuse nei cinque Continenti, desideriamo assaporare con le coordinate dell’oggi.

Il film è stato affidato a suor Caterina Cangià, fma, che l’ha curato nell’ideazione, nella sceneggiatura e nella produzione. Lo ha seguito nelle sue diverse fasi con l’intelligenza, la creatività e l’amore al carisma che la caratterizzano.            Crediamo che il film, di prossima uscita (primavera 2012), possa trasmettere la bellezza di una vita che si svolge sotto lo sguardo di Dio e si apre ai grandi orizzonti della fede e dell’amore, diventando feconda e propositiva per tanti giovani, non solo del suo tempo.

Nei contesti attuali ricchi di stimolazioni, dove però sono deboli i riferimenti valoriali e, soprattutto, le testimonianze, la riproposta di un film su Maria Domenica Mazzarello rappresenta uno sprazzo di luce e di speranza, un segno credibile del vangelo vissuto, un faro che addita la rotta verso la felicità vera, la solidarietà universale, la sobrietà come stile di vita.

Auguro che il film abbia una grande diffusione: per il messaggio semplice e profondo di un’esistenza aperta all’Assoluto, disponibile al dono di sé nell’amore.

 Nata e cresciuta nell’ambiente semplice di Mornese (Piemonte, Italia), Maria Domenica, nel 1864 ha conosciuto don Bosco e con lui ha fondato una Famiglia religiosa – le Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice – che si è prodigiosamente estesa nei cinque continenti con l’obiettivo di educare la gioventù secondo il Sistema preventivo di don Bosco interpretato al femminile.

Il 2012 segna il 140° di fondazione dell’Istituto, di cui lei è stata la prima Superiora, scelta da don Bosco stesso.

Donna ricca di fede e audacia, aperta agli orizzonti del mondo, ella continua a parlare anche oggi alle giovani e ai giovani del nostro tempo, proponendo una via semplice ed esigente verso la felicità, nello stile della santità giovanile.

Il film è una riproposta credibile di questa figura limpida e affascinante.Suor Yvonne Reungoat


Greetings for Christmas 2011         FROM MOTHER YVONNE 

Greetings for Christmas 2011

I wish my ‘Happy Christmas’ to reach each Daughter of Mary Help of Christians personally and as communities, together with the young people and the laity who, in every part of the world, come together to share our life and educational mission, to the members of the Salesian Family and especially to our brother Salesians, but also to all those persons who visit our Institute.
May this Christmas be a new time for each of us! Let us not be overcome by habit. Rather let us cultivate awe before God who chooses to become one of us, to make himself flesh in order to clothe us in infinity, to enter into out history in order to illuminate it and leaven it with the Good News of the Gospel. How could we not allow ourselves to the filled with joy before this extraordinary reality?

Jesus comes and everything changes!
Even if many do not know or do not accept this central event of history, it cannot be cancelled out and it is not possible to live as if it did not exist. If all Christians were to manifest the great joy that fills their hearts, the spiritual climate of the world would change.
Jesus comes to manifest the infinite love of the Father and to teach us how to love….

May the Lord bless you!
Happy Christmas and a happy New Year of 2012!

Mother Yvonne Reungoat


Video link:

Rejoice in the Lord!

The Golden Jubilee Year of the first arrival of the Salesian Sisters in South Africa was closed on the 18th of December 2011.

In the Eucharist we celebrated the abundant graces God has given us during the 50 years of dedication working with and for young people in South Africa .

It was a very fitting occasion to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of Sr. Julienne Munyemba who with dedication and joy animates our Province.

The celebration came as a conclusion of our Regional Meeting where we evaluate our community and apostolic life, we planned for 2012 and we finished our Pastoral Plan.

There were days of hard work which were lived in a joyful and serene environment.